Monthly Archives: August 2013

2013 Annual Meeting Agenda


Monday September 9, 2013 – Please join us at our plot for our combination “Plot Night” and Annual meeting.

5:00 pm – Arrive at the plot (Southwest corner of Beith Rd. and Rt. 47), take a look at the FIRST trial planted corn, meet and greet your local seed reps, check out our soybean fungicide trial, or just socialize with other Kane County corn growers!

6:00 pm – Enjoy a fabulous meal provided by Nats on Maple of Sycamore, IL – This aint your average pork chop dinner!

A short business meeting will take place toward the end of dinner

7:00 pm – Keynote speaker Gary D. Schnitkey, Professor of Economics – “Looking Forward to the 2014 Crop Year”

This event is free to attend for members; each membership receives 2 dinner tickets

Additional guests and all non-members will be charged $30 at the event

This event is by RSVP only

Please RSVP to Karl Gust by Thursday, September 5 @ 815-482-0760 or

Free Scouting Clinic

Please join us tomorrow August 20 at 7:30 am for a free scouting and crop clinic.  The event will be held at our test plot.  Coffee and donuts will be provided.  Industry experts will be there to talk about crop progress, pest development, and grain marketing.  Don’t miss out!