Monday September 9, 2013 – Please join us at our plot for our combination “Plot Night” and Annual meeting.
5:00 pm – Arrive at the plot (Southwest corner of Beith Rd. and Rt. 47), take a look at the FIRST trial planted corn, meet and greet your local seed reps, check out our soybean fungicide trial, or just socialize with other Kane County corn growers!
6:00 pm – Enjoy a fabulous meal provided by Nats on Maple of Sycamore, IL – This aint your average pork chop dinner!
A short business meeting will take place toward the end of dinner
7:00 pm – Keynote speaker Gary D. Schnitkey, Professor of Economics – “Looking Forward to the 2014 Crop Year”
This event is free to attend for members; each membership receives 2 dinner tickets
Additional guests and all non-members will be charged $30 at the event
This event is by RSVP only
Please RSVP to Karl Gust by Thursday, September 5 @ 815-482-0760 or